Tony Rose – Say Hi

The soul that once dwelled within the Hip-Hop culture has nearly transformed into a type of music that really needs a genre of its own. Nevertheless, we still have many emcees out here still doing their thing & preserving the foundation in which this real Hip-Hop music was built upon.

Charlotte, NC’s own Tony Rose makes his 2016 debut with a vintage vibe in which he titles “Say Hi“. On this offering, Rose speaks on the realities of today & how he interprets his life as he moves along on his journey. There’s going to be people that love you just as well as there will be people that hate you. Regardless of what background you come from or what social status you now are in, we are all equal. It seems that society has forgetten this: we are equal. Open up your mouth & Say Hi to your brothers and sisters. You only get one life to live, so live it up and be good to one another.

Just like this new Tony Rose vibe, life is beautiful. This offering can serve as the soundtrack to a new way of thinking. Listen to Tony Rose‘s “Say Hi” and stay tuned for his nearing project release, “Never Sold Dope,” slated for release in the fall.

Follow On Twitter: @TonyIsRose

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