DIRECTOR: Freddy Marschall
PRODUCERS: TRAPFONE (Betty Dawl & JxPvtty)
LATEST PROJECT: ENDORPHIN | Stream via iTunes or SoundCloud
With all the chaos that’s going on in the world today, TRAPFONE still finds a way to not only spread love and happiness with one of their standout tracks from their sophomore album, ENDORPHIN, they pay tribute to their hometown of Tampa, Florida with “813”. Our favorite fairy god mother, Betty Dawl breathes positivity into this song, as she’s serenades us about peace and unity within our communities. The other side of TRAPFONE, JxPvtty, sculpts the warming feel of sounds that the song provides. A genuine pick me up to start your week off right. Even if you’re not from the “813”, this track radiates compassion and projects a sense of benevolence. There may seem to be no sure way to properly give back to a place that gave you the footing for your first steps, but this anthem will serve a great start.